Sunday, August 17, 2008

Students: Nature, Nurture, Learning andTeaching

As a student, I have had "One of Those Days." The kind of day where everything seems to go wrong, your alarm clock doesn't go off, the computer "lost" a paper, you spilled coffee in the car and got a speeding ticket. This is not the best way to set yourself up for an intense day of learning. In fact, I would say that learning is darn near impossible when the stress hits a certain level.
In the article The Emotional Basis of Learning by Noboru Kobayashi, M.D., the author discusses the importance of daily emotional support in a child's life for proper physical development and mental growth. Optimum learning conditions may be hindered by something as simple as lack of nourishment, to as complex as socioeconomic problems, but can be improved by strong emotional support. I cannot imagine living in a home where I could not have breakfast, or didn't sleep because of the neighborhood I lived in, but this is some students reality.
I feel that a teacher must be a role model and an emotional rock for their students. Students count on their teacher to be a steadfast constant in their lives. When home life, and even the ride on the bus to school can be stressful and traumatic, a teacher can be a light in the storm. A teacher can also encourage open realtionships between students and parents. Because in the end, it is communication and understanding that can solve a lot of problems, and help students, parents and teachers.

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